Tuesday 18 October 2011


Last week , we were asked to create a questionnaire, and then go out and survey 30 people in public, this is for our year project which is to make a 3D walkthrough/trailer of Saltaire and its surroundings. We put basic questions on the survey for example : Age, Gender, Whether you live in saltaire, also if you go to Shipley College.

So we went out and surveyed 30 people and here are our results, from looking at our survey results in an excel document, we have concluded that our target audience are girls aged 16-18, they study at Shipley college, are not a resident of Saltaire, the would also view these kind of videos on Youtube, they would like it to be a modern/futuristic trailer of Saltaire, and the area that is most popular is the Roberts Park, situated down the road from College.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

How Media Producers Define Audiences for Their Products Done