Tuesday 21 September 2010

Unit 19 Desktop Collage

This is what we have done so far to start off the games course. We had to make a collage of of four different genres of games such as : Horrror, Fantasy, Sci-fi and War. For the Horror genre I chose Gears Of War, and The Saw Game because these are frightening games and the pictures aren't very nice. For the fantasy genre I chose various Super Mario games as these are made up of mythical creatures, also i chose Assassins Creed as this game is part fiction and part reality. For the Sci-fi genre i chose Star Wars : The Force Unleashed, as this is a game that is set in space  and involves spaceships and aliens etc.
For the war genre i chose Battlefield: Bad Company Two , Army Of Two, and Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 as these games are about fighting in the war and also part reality because part's of these games are set in the past and contain real events.

Some of these games contain more than one genre for example, Gears of War contains Horror aswell as war because in the game you fight aliens and the game is quite graphic which makes it seem scary.

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